Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Applicaction Comparison

1. 21 Excellent Web Apps For College Students

Another great idea a site with a list of sites. For me the list was a totally new experience, I had not heard of the majority of them. Of the twenty-one sites on the list I have heard of and used Wikipedia, however believe that while it is a great site with an excellent idea of drawing colleboration of people to one place to post their "expert" opinion or theories, the problem is that you can not always count on validity of the information for the same reason. When conducting research I will usually run a query through Wikipedia just to get some ideas, then hit the books and sites dedicated to the particular topic for hard factual data.

I have been using Gmail for about a year now, I love it, and until something better comes along will continue to use it. I have several accounts set up all for different purposes, I enjoy that this e-mail system has a built in junk-mail filter this way I never (or at least seldom) have to dig through pages of emails looking for real emails sent to me by someone I want to hear from.

While working through the list of twenty-one websites I came accross Zoho, and almost could not believe that a site with this much online applications existed. As the state supervisor for my job, I spend an enormous amount of time updating data fed to me through spreadsheets, well low and behold, using Zoho sheet each of my eight workers can input data straight to the worksheet, this will eliminate more that 4 hours of my time per week.

Along the same thought process as noted above, the document manager is an excellent place to collaborate and house documents and policies that need to be accessed by many. All this without having to set up and maintain your own data storage system.

This site has a multitude of operational services that can be implemented in a large number of organizations, communities, and groups. Educators collaborating on instruction ideas and materials, study groups placing resources for themselves or other group members to use, town hall minutes. The list of facets that a site like this can be used is surely endless.

